Weight management

Supporting the regulation of your weight to your optimal range supports your ability to prevent and manage chronic illnesses and diseases. Maintaining your optimal weight and monitoring where your body fat is stored can help you reduce the risk of chronic disease.

Where your body fat is stored may indicate an increased risk for chronic disease. People who carry fat around their waist (apple shaped) are advised to monitor this area and using a measuring tape is a good way to keep an eye on it.

Measuring your waist is easy:

  • Measure directly against your skin.
  • Breathe out.
  • Make sure the tape is snug, without compressing the skin.
  • Measure halfway between your lowest rib and the top of your hip bone, roughly in line with your belly button.

As a general rule of thumb, a waist measurement higher than the following may be associated with an increased risk of chronic disease.

Increased risk:

Men: more than 94 centimetres
Women: more than 80 centimetres

Greatly increased risk:

Men: more than 102 centimetres
Women: more than 88 centimetres

Please note that this is only a guide and measurements can differ between ethnic groups and ages. If you have any questions or concerns, please book an appointment with one of our General Practitioner’s here.


If you need a doctor urgently outside of our opening hours please call Byron District Hospital on 6639 9400.

For emergencies call 000 for an ambulance.

Urgent Care Clinic

On the day appointments are available by calling the surgery from 8am onwards until slots are filled. We recommend calling early to secure an appointment.

Opening Hours

Medical Centre
Monday – Friday: 8.30 – 17.00
Saturday: 8.30 – 11.30

Allied Health
Monday – Friday: 8.30 – 17.00
Saturday: 8.30 – 11.30